Minggu, 30 September 2018

EXCALIBUR OS : Revolutionary System for Computer Systems

An Operating System Designed for PCs & Laptops, which will solve the problem of Virus and Data Theft with a unique method of data security systems, and also solve the second major problem of the System users where users can now experience several platform applications on Excalibur OS, which means application files from Large OSes like "Android, Windows, Mac, iOS & Linux" will be supported by the Excalibur Operating System.
The concept project is called the Excalibur Operating System, which will solve the problem of Virus and Data Theft with a unique method of data security systems, and additionally it solves the second major problem of users of the System where users can now experience different platform applications on Excalibur, meaning file applications from the main OS will be supported by Excalibur Operating System.
  • No Virus can affect - Computer security is that level so there is no Virus that can affect the work of the Excalibur Operating System.
  • Supported applications from various platforms - The second most interesting part is that Excalibur supports application files from Google Android, Apple iOS, Apple Mac, Ubuntu Linux, and Microsoft Windows. The system easily executes all file types supported by the system listed above without problems.
  • Mining & Trading Management System - This system is designed with a Mining & Trading Management system that helps in managing various coins or tokens. It also has script editing tools such as registering different coins for mining, with access to virtual money conversion and transfer systems.

Benefits are rewards for token holders who have invested in our Business Model or Token. We will provide various types of benefits for the token holders described below
  • The price of the ICO Market will increase in the near future, which will be a benefit to the token holder according to the trade point of view.
  • The BETA Version Operating System will initially be launched for Token Holders in Quarter 1 of 2019
  • Mining Management will be very easy by Excalibur OS.
  • There is no more expensive fee for Antivirus
  • Tokens can be sold internationally via the internet
  • Tokens have a liquidity premium (> 1000X increase in time-to-liquidity)
  • Transparency of use of funds, escrow can be used to verify how funds are spent after the ICO
  • Initial contributors will have more liquidity at the initial stage
  • Initial access to tokens that have fast capital growth potential
  • Contributors are usually the first users of tokens - so it's not like holding a company whose products have never been used, ironically our tokens can be more real than securities.
Excalibur Features:

  • Artificial Intelligence - Artificial Intelligence is the future of the world and Excalibur will lead this
  • Easy maintenance - The Game Industry is widely known and accepted in the world and Excalibur will work and improve over time
  • Market For E-Commerce - Excalibur Will Extend The Market Through The E-Commerce Market.
Token Sales

  • Starting - 3 Sep 2018 (08:00 IST)
  • The number of tokens sold - 2,000,000,000 XOS
  • End - October 3, 2018
  • Token exchange rate - 1 USD = 100 XOS Tokens
  • Acceptable currencies - ETH, BTC,
  • Minimum transaction amount - 100 USD
  • Bonus & Referral - 500,000,000
  • Bonus & Referral - 500,000,000
  • Pre ICO - PRE ICO: 200,000,000 ICO: 1,800,000,000


What is Mycro?
Do you want to clean your house because you want to have a party in the house or big family wants to come but you do not have time or want to fix everything but you lack skills or knowledge or even time. In Mycro you can post your work needs with the great Micro App, they will ensure fast connection with community members who can help you. Or for job seekers who want to do those things, Mycro can connect you and your work providers. It's like a great new idea.

Mycro offers many jobs like:

  • Services at home: (Gardening, cleaning, cleaning, shredding, small repairs, window cleaning, laundry, ironing, cooking and so on)
  • Delivery services: (Performing procurement, driving services, transportation services, delivery services and so on)
  • Virtual Services: (Internet research, travel planning, support services, clerical work, online surveys and so on)
  • Professional Services: (tutoring, photography, modeling work, piano lessons, computer setups, TVs, DJs, waiters, internet connection setups and so on)
In Mycro, this platform has payment methods and transactions with Mycro Token (MYO).

How to use Mycro Token?

1. Employment procurement:
Use Mycro Token (MYO) to gain better position in the job provider's control panel. This allows you to determine your own charge. We call it shopping.
  1. Rewards:
Get MYO from the community award group to rank well after completing work and building the Mycro community - controlled by a smart contract.
  1. Currency:
As planned, you can use your Mycro (MYO) card to pay for your work - a reliable and secure way of using a smart margin contract. (planned)

Distribution of tokens and funds

This is mycro diagram

Mycro's success is based on significant visual usability. The needs of job and job providers must be met quickly and without complications. This happens by combining job incentives with the right jobber. Only then will both sides achieve their goals. A product that works well for the job provider. A pleasant and lucrative job.

Why does Mycro use Blockchain?

The reason is:
  1. Use fast and easy.
Mycro smart algorithms can work properly with the right jobber very fast. You can post your job demands and jobbers see jobs at any time.
  1. Trust
Those who meet strangers are unreliable. Micros will address this issue through decentralized verification and verification systems that are implemented by smart blockchain contracts.
  1. Protection
Money is held by a decentralized smart debit agreement while the work is done. Neither job providers nor job seekers have access. The deposit will only be paid if the job is successful.
  1. Low fees
Mycro's vision transforms Mycro into an entirely decentralized (dApp) application. By eliminating intermediaries, intermediary fees up to 30% by intermediaries pay no longer pay. Jobs can always be posted for free. Users pay only 2% when using Mycro dApp.


Author: SanZoldyck

ZAMZAM BLOCKCHAIN BANK - Our Future is for Cryptocurrency


The best investment one can take part in this 21st century is in the Cryptocurrency.No doubt about because if you really understand how the blockchain system works and how it is making a lot of investors millionaires then partake in the open testing of digital money exchanges by telephone number and acquire extra ZAM tokens.


Zamzam mission is to accelerate the procedure of the change from a customary money related framework to a completely computerized economy all together for banks and monetary establishments everywhere throughout the world to wind up open, reasonable and productive through the execution of blockchain and decentralized frameworks.

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* Straightforwardness of all activities in blockchain. Continuous distribution of the Zamzam bank's nitty-gritty money related exercises. Open consequences of bank review. You have never worked with such an open managing an accounting framework! 

* Diminish costs by dodging the chain of delegates and relinquishing out of date techniques for overseeing budgetary associations. 

* Give clients a decision among brought together and decentralized resources stockpiling. Future is for half breed frameworks, which give an opportunity of a decision. 


Quit squandering your consideration on many money-related applications with extremely constrained functionalities. The zam.wallet eradicates the limits between conventional cash and digital currencies while staying more productive than the market by 2-3 times.


Easy budgetary administration for your business! 
Working together has never been so natural, instinctive and computerized. While building up the zam.merchant, we considered the requirements of thousands of businessmеn from everywhere throughout the world. 


Quick budgetary blockchain in light of Stellar fork.
We are making a free blockchain save money with the most minimal commissions for the end client. This innovation is framed based on our money-related framework to make the Zamzam items decentralized.


platform: Ethereum
Token standard: ERC-20
Power token: 8 500 000 000 ZAM
Token face value: $ 0.02
Total amount OF Zam tokens for sale: 65%| 5 525 000 000 ZAM | $ 110,500,00 at face value
Soft Cap: $ 11 100,000
Hard Cap: $ 55 400 000
Accepted cryptocurrencies: ETH, BTC, LTC
Private sale period: June 18-December 3
Bonus for participants pre-sale: 35%
Pre-sale: October 22 to November 5
Bonus for participants pre-sale: 25%
The duration of the Token Sale: November 5, December 3
Find links for further information this life-changing  project;
Author: SanZoldyck

Lucre(LCR) Project : Algorithmic trading Platform on a BLOCKCHAIN Network.

What is the Lucre?
  • LUCRE is an exclusive automated trading system & signal service for Cryptocurrencies, created to outperform the strategy of just holding Cryptocurrencies. It is developed by a team with 8 years of algorithmic trading experience.
  • LUCRE algorithm was build on a philosophy - Don’t HODL; Trade! allowing trading both ways long and short. The great appeal of this project is the ability to generate revenues in all market conditions, buying and selling at every perceived opportunity. Even when the market is going south the algorithm attempts to make profit by shorting it.
  • Lucre Trading Algo will be running on a Metatrader trading platform.
  • LCR token will only be sold during the pre sale and Token sale main event.
The LUCRE Team
  • EMERSON CRUZ: Algorithmic Trading developer
  • AMAN SIDHU: Blockchain Developer
  • VISHAL JAGGI: Frontend Developer
  • ARJUN PURI: Developer Intern
  • YOGESH GAUTAM: Legal Consultant
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The LUCRE Advisors
  • MANU KHULLAR: Director, Innovation & solution Acceleration
  • BOGDAN FIEDUR: ICO advisor, ICObench expert
  • SYDNEY IFERGAN: Crypto & ICO community expert
  • DMITRY PSHENIN: Founder ICOboard, Advisor ICObench
  • GABRIELE BERNASCONI: Co-founder at Genuino Blockchain lab
  • MIKE SNYDER: Co-founder BitcoinATM360
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ROADMAP09-09-2018 22-48-13 PM.png
  1. Distribution of tokens09-09-2018 22-52-36 PM.png
  2. Budget allocation09-09-2018 22-53-53 PM.png
  • The token to ether price ratio is adjusted dynamically such that token price tracks $1 (the bonus
    structure is then applied on top of this).
  • Token Presale: 15th Oct 2018
  • Token Main Sale: 14th Nov 2018
  • Token Type: ERC20 – Ethereum Blockchain
  • Maximum Supply (Hard Cap): 12 500 000 LCR
  • Available for Purchase: 10 000 000 LCR
  • Minimum Token Sale Contribution: 0.1ETH
  • Minimum Raise: $2 000 000 USD
  • Maximum Raise: $7 000 000 USD or 10 000 000 LCR Tokens (whichever happens earlier)
  • Price per token:
    Pre-sale (30 days, up to 10 000 000 tokens): $0.77 (30% Bonus)
    Week 1 of Main Token Sale: $0.83 (20% Bonus)
    Week 2 of Main Token Sale: $0.87 (15% Bonus)
    Week 3 of Main Token Sale: $0.91 (10% Bonus)
    Week 4 of Main Token Sale: $1.00 (No Bonus)
    09-09-2018 22-57-20 PM.png
  • Based on the 8 years of experience in Foreign Exchange Algorithmic Trading, we have seen that the interest may rise once the algorithm is performing well and increased numbers of participants are going to be attracted to the project.
  • LUCRE is an exclusive platform because participants with access to the algorithm signals and autotrading are limited, this exclusivity being controlled by the number of tokens. If you want to receive the signals or utilize Autotrading, and you did not participate in the Token sale event, you will need to buy tokens from the original participants.
  • Trading algorithm will be taking long and short positions and bet in both the bull and bear markets thus diversifying and optimising the portfolio performance.
  • As a Token sale participant, you can decide to earn money selling the tokens, as the benefit of being an exclusive service and the results of the algorithm trading should see a rise in price or hold it and receive the ongoing profit tracking the performance of the trading algo.
  • LUCRE is poised to set a new standard for cryptocurrency participation. It aims to alter the tendency to HODL the crypto assets which doesn’t always give high returns as we have seen since the peak in December 2017. Holding the LCR tokens gives access to the high performing trading Algo which takes aims to better perform than just HODLing it and hoping it will keep going up.
Author: SanZoldyck

Sabtu, 29 September 2018

Medchain : Decentralized Health Record storage

Medchain ICO Review.png
MedChain facilitates for Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and electronic Protected Information (e PHI) with the assistant of Blockchain and distributed storage solution.
MedChain network (MCN) is governed and secured by multiple blockchains which uses a multi-crypto-token framework.
There are several issues in the current healthcare industry such as,
Hacking and data breaches and it could be highly cost
Mismatching half of patient records when data is transferred between healthcare systems
Losing the patient’s data
Medical errors
MedChain aims to address these issues by,
Securing patient data
Improving patient outcomes
reducing costs
putting control back into the hands of the patient
It achieves cost saving by,
by streamlining data flow and user experience
reducing IT overhead
ensuring true and accurate data for each patient
MedChain provides “common data layer “where all the service providers are accessible into all patient’s record. It will be easy for both patents to control their medical record and service providers to store medical records.
MedChain solves the primary challenges of data security and interoperability faced by EMR and ePHI by,
Decentralizing Electronic Medical Records
Putting control in the hands of the patient.
using a Hyper ledger Fabric BlockChain
Implementing permissioned Distributed Storage Network
Verification of Ethereum BlockChain for transparency and auditability.
Inaccessibility to unauthorized parties
The solutions provided by MedChain are properly certified by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and GDPR rules and regulations. It provides an unprecedented level of reassurance to ensure the integrity of an investable BlockChain market.
The MedChain system comprises with following components.
Patient dApps
Service Provider dApps
Blockchain as a Service
Software as a Service
The security Token of this project is MedCoin. It is based on Ethereum-network. The initial supply of MedCoin is 100,000,000 and it is worth of 1,000,000,000.
Capital is raised by MedChain through three funding events. They are,
Regulation CF Seed-ICO – It has been raised $467,000
Anticipated Regulation D 506(c) Pre-ICO – It is expected to raise funds between $5-15M
Anticipated Regulation A+ ICO - – It is expected to raise funds between: $15-30+M
Due to this nature of ICOs the financials of MedChain, it is audited by the public accountant(s) who are independent of MedChain.
Final MedChain Token is allocated among below mentioned parties.
Community -94%
Business Development – 2.5%
Research and Marketing – 1.5%
Reserves – 1%
MedChain Development and Executive Team – 1%
The funds raised by MedChain as above will be used for the development of below-mentioned areas in the respective percentage.
Engineering Development – 30%
Operations – 25%
Marketing – 15%
Regulatory – 10%
Business Development – 10%
Reserves – 5%
Legal – 5%
Misc. – 5%
MedChain has planned their main activities up to 2020. It is included,
Developing Block Chain and Apps
Public verification Chain Coding and Development of Incentives
Deployment of SMRC ‘s DevNet and V1PVC
Development of MainNet
Release the MedCoin
Deployment of SMRC TestNet open platform to outsiders
Deployment of external and internal dApps
Conduct audits. Tests and compliance with certification of protocol
MedChain Team.png
MedChain has a team which has excellent experience in healthcare, IT system, and Block Chain. Altogether there are fifteen members of the team. They drive the project towards the success in a manner that patients, service providers and the community in the healthcare industry can obtain benefits out of that.
Medchain Roadmap.png
Author: SanZoldyck

V-ID: Validation on the blockchain

Fraud relating to documents is an aspect that is the subject of much attention worldwide. Yet it happens that fraud is committed in this area, which of course is not desirable. V-ID want to offer a solution on the blockchain to prevent problems related to various types of fraud. With such a solution, it will be possible to use this solution in various industries, which will help prevent fraud committed by documents. In this article you can read more about V-ID, the blockchain solution for blockchain-driven validation.

What is the project?

The project team behind this idea already has a lot of experience in this area and with this experience they hope to lead this project in the right direction. They characterize V-ID itself as a possible alternative to file certifications and digital signatures. Since a lot of online is happening today, it is important that this can be done in a safe and responsible manner. V-ID can be useful in various industries, such as health, technology and education. Another important advantage of the project is that they have already served certain customers in these sectors.

Token Details

The experienced team of V-ID has been developing this idea since the first quarter of last year. In the coming period, according to the road map, it is time for the sale of the coins. This will happen in two phases, namely the pre-sale and the regular sale of the VIDT coins. The price of a coin will be $ 0.20 and the maximum bonus is 35 percent. The sooner you buy, the more bonus you get. The project can be realized when a minimum of 1 million dollars is raised. The hard cap, however, is 8 million dollars and until mid-December it is possible to get tokens.

Other information

This is not financial advice, so do your own research. #DYOR
Author: SanZoldyck