Sabtu, 28 September 2019

2Local -stands for global sustainability and prosperity


The ultimate goal of 2Local is to let businesses and consumers participate wherever possible in the world. At present,there are opportunities for utility tokens on the American market that will be seriously investigated. 2local also wants to provide a solution to the 1.8B people who currently do not use a bank. However, 2Local do not want people to lose value,value withdrawal is done by banks and tokens such as Libra. Sustainable companies are the target audience of our marketing efforts.Setting up campaigns with these sustainable companies must become a joint action. That way,consumers see the direct benefit of joining 2local. A $2.50 SMS payment must ensure that people can easily participate.
Achieving sustainability and prosperity demands a transformation process. We must move from competition and societal preservation to cooperation and renewal. 2Local started with a general characterization of successfull situations that we envision in our society. Those events are put on a row of colored circles,you can see the figure below. In each occasion,we refer to the future of 2local system,which described above and below the circles.


Core values of 2Local project are develop by turning competitive self-interest into cooperative bridging,facilitated by a 2local cashback system. The next inward facing circle(purple-yellow) lead to our vision. 2Local vision is inspired by cultural relativism,moving away from preservative closed groups in favor of synergy and symbiosis for everyone. 2Local is going to achieve this by asking people for only a small amount of money to participate. The red-green circle delivers our mission. 2Local’s mission aims to realize reciprocal solidarity by transforming competition into cooperative bonding in 2local communities,facilitated by 2local crypto currencies. The inner circle(blueorange) furnishes our strategy. 2Local strategy breaks from the norm,leveraging blockchain technology to work toward innovative renewal. This is summarized in the figure below, reordered by competition versus cooperation and preservation versus renewal.This figure shows the first four circles as problems and the last four circles as solutions,which 2Local hope to achieve through the transformation process.

L2L Token

Through the sale of L2L tokens, proceeds become available and are stored in a deposit Foundation 2local keeps a reserve of L2L tokens and fiat money to keep the price of L2L steady climbing. Algorithm is monitoring the price of L2L. In principle it will sell L2L price rise to steep and will buy L2L when it price falls.


2local stands for the following business objectives:
  1. Becoming a Non-Profit foundation for L2L tokens.
  2. Profits are then distributed among the participants in the cashback system. Developing cashback, backed by an algorithm, with an associated website and app.
  3. Creating a website marketing where supply and demand for sustainable products meet.


2local has the following marketing objectives:
  1. Tailor the operation of the token, app and website as much as possible to the needs of participants and the market.
  2. Reach as many IEO investors, sustainable companies and consumers as possible and get them involved.
  3. Build up 2local image of sustainability and prosperity for everyone.
  4. Put 2local community on the map. Generate awareness of the 2local brand.

Find more about this project using below links:

Meine ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B

Selasa, 24 September 2019

Freelanex – Next Generation Blockchain the ultimate prime choice in freelancing world!

How nice to know that the world in which we live is much better than it was ten or even twenty years ago. Now, when there are so many opportunities, technologies and tools for our own implementation around us, we have a unique opportunity to realize all our wildest ideas, and also be proud of their application in practice by other people. And of course I now have a creative embodiment of their potential, as well as a number of other useful skills, the result of which can create different attributes of our life. That is, surround yourself with what we need most.
Naturally, in order for all this to become part of one big system, it is important for people to promote their talents through the masses, for this they get a job where their abilities can fully unfold within a particular company. Or, on the contrary, create their own source of income from the comfort of their own homes. To be honest, the second method of implementation over the past ten years has gained particular popularity among the working class population, as symbolized by various statistics and research. Yes, what can I say in the United States alone freelancers employs more than 50 million people. Moreover, this number from year to year only grows and increases.


This statistic can not please, as it shows us new business relationships, as well as a different approach to the working environment. However, despite all this positive mood, the sphere of freelancing still experiences a number of problems, which we are in principle now with you and talk. The first and probably the most common problem in the field of freelancing is a low level of trust. With that, it is low not only in relation to remote employees, but also to the employers themselves, as not always and not everyone is willing to pay in good faith for the work performed. Or, on the contrary, not everyone is willing to pay in advance for work not yet done. The second most popular problem is associated more with high transaction fees and all kinds of commissions existing within a particular platform. After all, no one wants to share the lion's share of their income with the system, which just allowed you to place your ad.
As for the third problem, its structure refers to the lack of decent agreements between the freelancer and his potential employer, as well as any other checks to perform the quality of work. That is, the evaluation of the work takes place in the opinion of one or another party without special, written agreements. What natural way can bring a number of grievances or discrepancies expected result with the actually available. In short, the freelance market needs decent communication tools, as well as common provisions of the Convention. Which can be achieved only with the help of a combination of several tools. Interested to know what? Then read this post to the end and you will learn a lot of interesting things.

About the project and its features

The project, which I want to tell you today, is a new decentralized environment in which freelancers from all over the world will find the highest quality and advanced tools to realize their potential. I called it project – Freelanex. As you already understood, the main goal of the project is to create and provide a comfortable environment for communication of a huge number of users, where each will find a proper, transparent and efficient environment. Where all transactions will be recorded by specially designed smart contracts, as well as meet all the requirements of reliability and security. In principle, initially implies that any decentralized structure.
In addition to the Freelanex will be available for your payment gateway which will be carried out all transactions and financial calculations on the result of the work performed. That will make the structure Freelanex more accessible and flexible across our planet and its freelance members.


Despite the fact that most of the advantages I listed in the previous paragraph, however, Freelanex is ready to demonstrate a number of other features that make it a favorite among existing platforms for freelancers. As you remember the basis of Freelanex formed the modern technology of the blockchain with which the founders of the system, and intend to come to more transparent, reliable and safe relationship between working remotely the employee and his employer. Of course, that their communication has been most appropriately, the founders Freelanex launched its smart contracts without which you will not make any order through this ecosystem. His presence will avoid many controversial issues, as well as increase the level of trust on both sides. This will deprive them of reasonable doubt in violation of any rights, or something worse than cheating in the framework of Freelanex. Reinforce the same all these high levels of security, will be mandatory system KYC without which unfortunately these days it is absolutely no way.


I think it's no secret that the development of its own decentralized ecosystem requires an internal token with which all transactions will be made, as well as all possible payments and rewards. That in principle is logical, given format our today's themes and its features of. So I present to you the internal token platform Freelanex – FLXC. It is important to note that this token is developed according to the Ethereum Protocol and complies with the ERC20 standard. At the same time, I draw your attention to the fact that this marker meets all economic principles, and therefore passes the AML test.
On the other hand, the total supply of FLXC markers will amount to 10 billion pieces, most of which will be presented for public sale. As for the remaining half of the coins, it will be properly distributed between the development team and its group of advisors, as well as reserved for the further development of Freelanex. The revenue generated from the sale of *FLXC * tokens will be as follows:


In conclusion of this review, I would like to once again note a clear and structured approach to the existing problems of the market of remote employment of citizens of many countries, as well as a qualitative solution to all the above problems. I believe that the Freelanex platform is worthy of your attention, as its interface with available functionality is ready to help you realize your full potential at 100%. At the same time guarantee a high level of trust, reliability, transparency and most importantly security!
But, as they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. So my words did not seem to you too unfounded, I invite you to study the platform Freelanex. To do this, you only need all the official information that you can easily find in the next section. On this perhaps all!
Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

The official resources of the project Freelanex:

Meine ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B

Selasa, 17 September 2019

MainFinex - Reliable digital asset trading platform!

Review MainFinex - Reliable digital asset trading platform!

Hello today, I am going to introduce you to a decentralized exchange called MainFinex, this is truly a reliable digital asset trading platform!

What is a Decentralized Exchange?

Decentralized Exchange (DEX) is a platform that does not rely on third parties to keep your money, all user transactions are automated and directly between users (peer to peer network). In other words, DEX - a decentralized exchange gives full control of funds and transactions to users, eliminating intermediaries to avoid risks of security issues, hackers, fraud. In addition, the taxation or control of funds of decentralized exchanges is very difficult. Based on these views, MainFinex was created to create a reliable digital asset trading platform!

What is The Difference Between Decentralized And Centralized Floors?

1. Right to control the fund

Exchange users focus on making deposits to the exchange to facilitate trading. These funds are controlled by an intermediary trading service. This means that the order books, as well as the custody rights, are in the hands of centralized platform services.
In a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange platform, users transact directly with other traders without a central server. There is no centralized service that owns command books and custody rights. Therefore, money is controlled by users and participants in this platform.

2. Anonymity

A number of centralized exchanges each allow anonymous trading accounts on their platform. However, new government regulations that have emerged in recent months have resulted in strict compliance with KYC and AML laws. It is difficult to trade anonymously on a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. In contrast, decentralized exchanges are where everyone can remain anonymous.

3. Authentication

Centralized exchange users depend on the platform to authenticate and authorize their transactions. In a way, the platform is a third-party intermediary that provides reliable crypto exchange services.
With decentralized exchanges , we do not need to depend on an intermediary. By smart contracts and some Blockchain protocol implementations , the entire system is built to provide unreliable authentication and authorization of cryptocurrency exchange transactions.

The Value Of The Decentralized Exchange MainFinex

1. Transactions are processed faster and cheaper

Decentralized exchange MainFinex has the ability to facilitate transactions to be done faster, more cost effectively than centralized exchanges. The elimination of the intermediary authenticator significantly reduces fees and the delay time before the buy / sell order is processed.

2. More difficult to attack

Decentralized exchange MainFinex does not hold user funds and nor does any organization interfere with the process, so it is difficult for the exchange to be hacked. Meanwhile, history has recorded many attacks on centralized exchanges such as Bitfinex , Bittrex ...

3. Seamless integration with secure hardware wallets

This is a major advantage of the decentralized exchange MainFinex . Many decentralized exchanges offer seamless integration with popular hardware wallets like Ledger Nano S or Trezor to ensure a much safer trading.
Users can send coins directly from their hardware wallets to the smart contracts of many decentralized exchanges. With centralized exchanges, there is no way for users to manually fill in the private key to transfer coins from hardware wallets to the exchange. Because if you do, the possibility is that they will be cheated or track the keyboard.

4. The fund is completely controlled by the user

MainFinex is a decentralized exchange owned and controlled by all parties so no centralized corporation has the right to hold customer funds. Money control is always in the hands of users thanks to the peer network structure. Transactions occur between parties in the network with smart contracts, which can only be controlled by the private keys of the parties involved. Users control private keys as well as their capital at all times with decentralized exchanges.
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Some Disadvantages Of MainFinex Decentralized Floor

1. Only support for few platforms

Currently the most popular platform for decentralized exchanges is Ethereum with a number of ERC-20 tokens that support trading. In the future some other major platforms like NEO will also be supported by decentralized exchanges.

2. More difficult to use

This is why exchanges like Binance or Huobi are popular, simply because they are easy to use. A lot of smart contracts need to be navigated for use in decentralized exchanges, which can be dizzy for users, even for those who are knowledgeable about cryptocurrency technology.
Centralized exchanges also have a simple user interface, which is visually organized and easier to get started than decentralized exchanges.

3. Lack of powerful features & functions

Most decentralized exchanges only support some basic trading functions. More in-depth trading features and tools such as margin trading , stop-loss orders, etc. are often missing from decentralized exchanges. This is probably the main reason why decentralized exchanges are still not popular in the cryptocurrency market.


Above is the article " What is the decentralized exchange MainFinex ? What is the difference between centralized and decentralized exchanges? Hope to bring the most useful information for readers about this type of exchange. If you have any questions please leave below the comment I will support you.


Author: KanekiKov
My ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B