Jumat, 28 Februari 2020

Relictum Pro is the most powerful intellectual platform based on the new and unique Blockchain 5.0 generation

I wonder if Satoshi Nakomoto knew in advance that, following his example of creating a decentralized network, many minds of mankind will offer their own decentralized networks, each of which will differ from each other in its technical characteristics and features. I don't think so.
Nevertheless, in recent years, our world has managed to get acquainted with an incredible number of blockchain projects, the main goal of which is the qualitative development of various spheres of our life. These include healthcare, banking and Finance, as well as real estate, goods and services. In a word, step by step, blockchain technology is being implemented in each of these aspects, transforming the familiar ways of communication into more reliable and secure interaction conditions.
Since the main purpose for which the world's first block network with its own cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created was based on a decentralized type of data storage. Access to which does not belong to any server, organization, or even the state. Using a peer-to-peer data transfer system, where all transactions are made directly between users, while excluding various intermediaries of a traditional centralized network. 
However, despite all its power and superiority, the Blockchain is designed to evolve over the years. Because what seemed to be effective and acceptable a couple of years ago no longer meets its goals, and also does not have time to meet its most important indicators, namely transaction processing speed, scalability and security. What exactly are the following points summarizing:
Blockchain 1.0 Despite the fact that the world's first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, with its Ledger, originated the entire existing market for blockchain technology. Bitcoin has a number of nuances and shortcomings. Which Blockchain 2.0 tried to eliminate. Namely, the birth of the second Ethereum cryptocurrency with all the ensuing advantages and features, including a specially designed and developed smart contract. And here the technology has reached its limits beyond which Blockchain 3.0 has tried to step. During the development of which DAG technology was developed and implemented with its increased transaction processing speed, as well as reduced Commission costs. But as it turned out, these technical characteristics were not enough. Therefore, developers have come to the fourth generation of blockchain by trial and error, where both the speed of filling nodes and the volume of the block itself in the network have been significantly improved, the maximum volume of Which has been reduced to only 268 bytes.
In any case, this did not help to cope with many existing problems within the decentralized network. But don't be in a hurry to despair. After all, it is not for nothing that we are here together with you today, because today I want to present you a completely new generation of Blockchain 5.0. It is simply useless to compare it with all its predecessors. Since leading the Blockchain 5.0 revolution, a project called Relictum Pro. Which I want to talk to you about in more detail today. 
About the project
Relictum Pro is the most powerful intellectual platform that has existed for the last ten years, based on a completely new and unique generation of Blockchain 5.0. The main goal of which is to create a new distribution register for the formalization of the entire economic life of each individual. In other words, the 5.0 Blockchain contributes not only to recording events, but is also responsible for recording document flow, delivery, transportation, and logistics of both the user's personal activity and any other legal organization. 
In a word, the Relictum Pro application intends to simultaneously solve several tasks at once, using its unique Protocol, which was developed on the basis of TCP IP. This, combined with Blockchain 5.0, will not only increase the speed of transmission of all transactions, but also form a virtual communication channel with each individual node via the world wide web. This method of transferring information allows Relictum Pro to transfer not only the most familiar information, but also entire blocks, bytes, and other types of files that are inherent to external users. 
This is because the developers of Blockchain 5.0 managed to reduce the size of their blocks to as much as 120 bytes, which is 8 thousand times less than the value of one block for Bitcoin. Which in turn is equal to 1 million 24 thousand bytes or 1 MB. This kind of distinctive feature can transform the entire principle of data transmission via a decentralized network, thereby speeding up not only the speed of transaction processing, but even its search. Which I think is very important and appropriate in these days, when every fraction of a second is worth its weight in gold.
Thus, the presence of high-tech tools in the Relictum Pro system allows It to become a more cohesive system for storing both financial, medical, and personal data. At the same time, without violating the security and protection system, scaling your blockchain to 10 billion users in the network. It sounds really phenomenal.
By the way, biometric protection helps to ensure security of this level, which we will talk about in a little more detail now. 
Biometric protection
I am sure that many of you have a partial or complete understanding of what this type of protection is. Of course, in everyday life, there are absolutely different types of biometric protection. They can be either based on your fingerprint, or on the retina of your eye, or for example by scanning your face. The introduction, and the very appearance of this level of protection was caused by an excessive influx of fraudsters in various areas of our life. Especially often these scammers are found where there is a lot of money.
And as you know, the world of cryptocurrencies is no exception, which is actually signaled over the past few years by more than a dozen very large robberies of the top crypto exchanges. But times are changing and developers are trying their best to protect themselves and their users from inadequate cryptomachines. Introducing two-factor authentication and other biometric data. Increasing the security level of each active crypto user.
The developers of Relictum Pro also took note of the biometric data verification system. Therefore, we developed our own biometric facial recognition system based on Blockchain 5.0, combining it with SecureCall (that is, with a phone call after which the user will be required to enter their password). Using these tools guarantees maximum security for each member of the Relictum Pro app. After all, even if a hacker somehow breaks the first hash, then finding a second key to it will become a real problem.
Thus, we see how powerful and interesting the Relictum Pro project is with its 5.0 Blockchain. After all, thanks to this system, users will find a single tool for the circulation of their entire life. Since without much difficulty, but with the maximum data transfer speed and a high degree of security, users without intermediaries, that is, directly can exchange all kinds of data. Using an unlimited system of smart contracts along with the most advanced technologies that use elements of artificial intelligence and neural networks. 
Offering a state-of-the-art, unparalleled product that targets both existing usage volumes and more powerful processors, including even photonic computers. And I'm already telling you this in General very seriously!
At the same time, as I have already mentioned, the platform itself can work both in private and corporate mode for enterprises, formalizing the entire existing document flow within the organization, which is available even at the international level of the economy. 
If we switch the focus of our conversation from the platform itself to its token, then I immediately want to draw your attention to the fact that Relictum Pro Coin will be a stable coin. Which in its structure was developed at the intersection of dynamic coefficients of both tangible and non-tangible assets. The mathematical model of which allows real-time correlation of relic coins, leaving the Relic Coin economically stable.
I know it sounds complicated and confusing. However, you can find more information about this on the project's technical documentation pages. Where absolutely every internal process is painted in black and white. 
To sum up, it is difficult to keep your words of admiration for the team of specialists who worked on creating a truly great project called Relictum Pro. After all, all their achievements allowed the entire Blockchain technology industry to step far forward, revealing simply unlimited ways of communicating users within its decentralized platform. Which, in turn, I will remind you, includes absolutely all areas of human economic activity within the framework of an accessible distributed registry.
But since the structure of all internal processes of Relictum Pro is simply incredible, it is interesting and technically complex. Then I did not take the responsibility to describe it in my article in the most detailed way. Therefore, if you are interested in delving into the details and their entire structure, then at the end of the article you will find all the official social resources of Relictum Pro with its detailed technical document. Where you can easily find all the information you need.
And this is where my article came to an end. I'm sure you were interested in learning about Relictum Pro. Therefore, I will be happy if you support me with your like and comment on this issue. Also, don't forget to subscribe to my resources so that you don't miss the most interesting projects from me. 
Official resources of the project Relictum Pro:
🔥 MEIN BITCOINTALK-PROFIL-LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2732744
🔥 MEINE Mail-BRIEFTASCHE: malwapatid@gmail.com

Kamis, 27 Februari 2020

BlockBurn Game Network Is a Revolutionary step Forward In The Cryptocurrency

Hello everyone, in this era of increasingly sophisticated technology, of course you all think you want to invest your money for long-term investment, but you are still confused and hesitant to look for it, because there are so many unclear projects in the future , for now you don’t need to worry because I want to provide the right solution for your investment in a new cryptocurrency called BlockBurn. So for those of you who are curious about BlockBurn, let’s look at the article I made below to find out what benefits they will provide for you in the future.


The BlockBurn gaming network is a revolutionary step forward in both cryptocurrency and the mobile app gaming industry, allowing users across the globe to plug in and play against real players for BURN tokens. Players have the opportunity to develop their skills in order to earn more BURN tokens, increase their chances of winning the lottery jackpot and bringing more value to the token ecosystem.

Current Gaming App Market

The overall global gaming market, was estimated to be worth around $135 billion in 2018. The largest sector of this massive figure is attributed to mobile gaming, estimated at around $63 billion, taking an impressive 47% share.
  • Mobile is also beginning to dominate gambling, with 70% of gambling transactions now being done online.
  • While mobile gaming and gambling are booming industries, mobile cryptocurrency gambling is scarce.
  • BlockBurn is creating a new and innovation form of mobile gaming and gambling, playing for cryptocurrency in a fun and engaging way.

BlockBurn Gaming Network

The BlockBurn game network is an innovative arena for gamers and gamblers. The platform economy will run on BURN tokens, allowing users to risk their BURN tokens in a fun multi-player action shooter battle game arena. Users can also buy regular BlockBurn lotteries to get a chance to win the jackpot!
Ourmission is to provide a very smooth and memorable gaming experience, where gambling is not the only important element. The games focus on very entertaining and interesting gameplay, with stunning graphics, smooth animations, satisfying sound effects, and intuitive navigation. Players can customize the appearance of their characters, as well as buy character upgrades using the BURN token.
The game network implements a number of functions that will incentivize and encourage players to hold and use more BURN tokens, produce a more complete playing experience for users and contribute to the overall value of the BURN tokens.

Shop System

  • To reward and incentivise players for holding their BURN tokens, we’ve devised a system to use these BURN as a spendable currency while also a store of value.
Players will be able spend their BURN tokens in character customizations, these tokens will then be held in a separate wallet, but not sold! Eventually the players will be able to “sell” their character item back to the game to get their spent tokens back. This way, “buying” character items becomes an investment of BURN, not an actual sale.
To aid this idea, players will be able to choose the time period in which a players tokens are held in the locked wallet before being able to sell the tokens back to the game. So if you were to buy a particular item, you will be given the choice of how long the tokens will be locked away for.
A week, a month, a year, you name it. Only after this time has ended, will they be able to return the purchased item in exchange for receiving their BURN tokens back. Longer periods will be cheaper to “lock”, giving players more reason to invest in these items as long as they can, but with the eventuality of receiving their tokens back.
For example: if you “buy” a weapon, you either pay 5 BURN tokens for a week-lock, 4 for a month-lock, and 1 for a year-lock. After said time, you’ll get the option to sell your weapon back in turn for the 5/4/1 BURN that you spent in the first place.

Gaming Token

The BURN token is used as a gambling token within the BlockBurn gaming network. It is set to disrupt the online gambling industry by creating a decentralised gaming network, with the BURN token as it’s currency. It will be at the forefront of a new era of online gaming, one that is the nexus between gamers and cryptocurrency holders.
In order for players to participate in multiplayer matches, they must deposit BURN tokens into the wallet address of their gaming app. The funds can be used as wagers in multiplayer matches/tournaments. The winner of each match will win the collected pool of BURN tokens.
In order to support and generate supplementary value to the BURN token, holding more BURN gives you access to bonus features. Upgrades such as special weapons and character styles can be purchased with BURN, players are also able to unlock special characters with BURN.
These are some of the ways in which players are encouraged to continue holding their BURN tokens in their account after a big win. Increasing the overall function of BURN within the gaming network will result in less players selling their BURN tokens after a win, but rather putting them back into the game.


We will be raising funds through an IEO for the purpose of furthering development and project expansion.
Please note that the funds raised are non for profit and will be allocated as follows:
  • Product development: 50%
  • Marketing: 20%
  • Exchanges: 10%
  • Token buy back (and/or token burning): 20%

BlockBurn Coin Details

  • Token Name: BlockBurn
  • Symbol: BURN
  • Token Type: ERC 20
  • Token Supply: 2,000,000,000
  • Hard Cap: $ 1.2 Million (USD)
  • Price of 1 BURN: $ 0.005
  • ROUND1–0.005 + 15% bonus
  • ROUND2–0.005 + 10% bonus

Token Distribution

The token distribution is layed out as follows:
  • Community: 45% (Community tokens are comprised as; free traded ‘swap tokens’, airdrops,bounties and future community events tokens)
  • Reserve: 15% (Future staking,future Airdrop/Bounty)
  • IEO: 15%
  • Marketing: 10%
  • Team: 10%
  • Advisors: 5%


  • The mobile game industry is a competitive industry, with so broad global interest in gaming and gambling, for new games to be successful, there are a number of important factors that must be met.
With so many mobile games available, finding the right niche is very important. The BlockBurn gaming network is in a very unique position, because it basically enters a completely new market, with currently almost no competition. But that in itself does not guarantee success, so that the game becomes successful there are several important factors. It needs its own identity, intuitive user experience, and good marketing.
We are currently in the game development stage. The general description in section 4.1 of this whitepaper will give you an outline of the direction we are currently going, but this is only a rough guide and as the development reaches further the game will be further refined and modified.
Below provides a basic outline of the road map we will follow in the following year:


🔥 MEIN BITCOINTALK-PROFIL-LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2732744
🔥 MEINE ETH-BRIEFTASCHE: 0x9A733d6675982628d636448c2265f8725AFD877b

Rabu, 26 Februari 2020

HITMEX is a world-class blockchain asset exchange with a very high-performance order matching engine


Hitmex Exchange

BlogTechnologyUnderstanding Digital Asset Exchange is a business that allows its customers to exchange digital assets using fiat or other digital assets.
Digital Asset Exchange can also function as a market maker that provides prices to the market or brings together sellers and buyers of digital assets. As a matching platform, they will charge a certain fee for the services they have provided.
HITMEX is a world-class blockchain asset exchange with a very high performing order matching engine. In fact, this is a next generation crypto asset trading platform that aims to support high leverage and support asset exchange of up to $ 1,000,000 USD per transaction.
Hitmex Exchange aims to overcome all weaknesses in centralized and decentralized crypto exchange. We have solved the main problem and aim to solve the rest in the future. Hitmex Exchange will introduce our own token on Hitmex Exchange under the name BMEX. We will do an IEO (initial exchange offer) for BMEX on our exchange too
HITMEX will create insurance funds. 10% of their total income will be stored securely in a cold storage wallet and used as insurance funds to ensure that no single user will lose funds in the event of hacking or something unexpected happens.
BMEX is a token issued by the HITMEX exchange and will be used to process payments worldwide, pay dividends on HITMEX EXCHANGE, pay transaction fees, and be used for voting rights on HITMEX EXCHANGE. BMEX uses peer-to-peer technology to operate without a central authority or bank.

Here are some of the benefits our members will enjoy:

  • Fast peer-to-peer transactions
  • Payments worldwide
  • Low processing costs
  • There is no central authority or bank
  • Supported by the Ethereum blockchain
In addition, a crypto investor can join from any part of the world for IEO and process payments and dividends as well. Because it uses Peer to Peer technology, it has no connection to banks or other central authorities. So there is no chance of becoming a victim of any part of your government. Finally the interesting news here is the low fees for each transaction. So I think all the benefits will encourage you to invest in IEO here. A cold storage wallet for all users on the exchange.


HITMEX aims to use a cold storage wallet in all exchange wallets. All user addresses will be changed to cold storage addresses to ensure total privacy.

Fund Deposit:

HITMEX will securely deposit 90% of the total funds in a cold storage wallet outside of the exchange. Here HITMEX will make insurance funds and 10% of their total income will be stored safely in a cold storage wallet in the event of hacking or something unexpected happens. I think this is very very important for investors so we cannot see other IEO in general.


BMEX tokens are unique utility tokens that make it easy for people to invest and produce. Here are the details that will help invest in IEO:
  • Token name: HITMEX
  • Token symbol: Decimal BMEX: 18
  • Circulation Supply: 750 million.
  • Maximum supply: 1,000,000,000 or 1 billion.

Referral Program:

There is a referral program in IEO where men can also get tokens with this system. I think this is also a good system for people who are interested. Per trade, 25% commission will be given in the referral program. You can also see some of the features provided below:
  • Voting
  • Launchpad
  • Limit order
  • Market order
  • Stop-limit order.
We also lead IEO on our Exchange Launchpad to increase reserves for business progress. You can read more about Hitmex Exchange and BMEX tokens here: https://hitmex.io/

Trusted Link:

🔥 MEIN BITCOINTALK-PROFIL-LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2732744
🔥 MEINE -BRIEFTASCHE: 0x1113990ed9c011a4db660d09dd5140f5285fdc8a

Selasa, 25 Februari 2020

OLPORTAL - Move towards AI for better development

Everyone has heard of neural network technology to surprise people with the ability to solve different problems quickly and naturally. This technology has penetrated into our daily lives and did not realize how beneficial it is. OLPORTAL mobile application developers cannot miss a great opportunity to integrate new things into their products. That is why one of the most important and fundamental directions of application evolution is AI technology-based neuro applications for the OLPORTAL messaging function.

How can you change users to stay alive?

When it comes to innovations and the latest programs that can be useful for people, most of us forget to count the people who have changed the natural order. Some scholars and scientists say that AI is a "second force", which means that this discovery has begun to change the rules and norms of contemporary writing society and technology.
How can people benefit from AI technology? Here are some ideas for answering this question. While most people argue about the features and possibilities that AI will bring to society and humanity can undermine its uniqueness, we clearly see the benefits of technology. They are:
  1. The quality of work will be at the highest level. This is because artificial intelligence is, in essence, machines, and these machines are used to perform different tasks with extraordinary results. This depends on human feelings, doubts, and some physical characteristics that make us feel tired and affect the quality of our work.
  2. Profit before making other aspects of AI comparisons and other innovations. AIs don't need sleep or fillers because they can't be physically exhausted. That is why this system continues their education. More and more these machines will learn more efficient operations.
  3. Neural networks can run without limits. Because education is relentless, machines can solve complicated processes and errors or with smaller amounts.
As we see in the list of advantages of neural networks, artificial intelligence will be able to help people in solving different problems. Therefore, they are freed from the tedious task. this means having more free time to study independently, rest, or spend time with those closest to you.

AI application integration technology in OLPORTAL

According to OLPORTAL developers, the integration of artificial intelligence in products affects effectiveness and ornamentation and creates completely new products with neural networks and blockchain where both technologies will work in symbiosis. Some parts of AI technology including OL offers various chat users AI bots - intelligent personal assistants, the answers help messages in a natural way. The bot will offer users a variety of phrases and this person must choose what will be implemented in response to the message. Imagine how much time will be saved because of this.
Elsewhere the AI ​​blockchain OLPORTAL (OL Chain) environment is integrated. Here, artificial intelligence will monitor and eliminate obstacles in the OL supply chain, which allows the wallet cryptocurrency application to make transactions faster and safer. Knowledge of the effects that can be experienced by people with the help of the first neuro-messenger, the company OLCF Company can not overcome the temptation to produce a product for the benefit of users.
If you want to know more about the Olportal project, you can see the link below:
🔥 MEIN BITCOINTALK-PROFIL-LINK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2732744
🔥 MEINE ETH-BRIEFTASCHE: 0x9A733d6675982628d636448c2265f8725AFD877b