Jumat, 13 April 2018

BittWatt presents an opportunity to diversify the energy sources for both the suppliers and the consumers.
BittWatt is promising a well-organized energy platform in which suppliers and consumers will interact with each other to get updated information about the energy supply and demand.
All our energy sources are very limited in our world. Our energy demand is growing day by day. Our lives are dependent to the energy. Without efficient energy sources, sustainable technological development is almost impossible. Technological developments and environmental concerns are shifting our energy supplies. All industries need clean and sustainable energy.
Energy market is very competitive and challenging. Moreover, energy ecosystem is established around the exchanged of what is essentially unstructured information.
Electric market consists of the producers, suppliers, traders and end users. They have to use different kind of information manners to buy, sell and consume the electric.
BittWatt is an energy platform in which kinds of information about the energy supply are being transferred through an independent blockchain technology. Blockchain technology enables all parties to access equally into this energy platform.
Moreover, for the energy sector, BittWatt that creates very efficient ecosystem for all parties of energy sector such as electricity producers ,suppliers and consumers. The insufficient information that is flowing between the suppliers, traders and consumers increase the energy price. To reduce the energy sectors problems and improve the information sharing system, founders of the BittWatt establish a completely new, simple and transparent platform, designed to deliver real value for every consumer. The Bittwatt Platform encourages the smart-consumers to find best available electric suppler for their best interests.
This ecosystem builds a decentralized market place that functions on the transparent and full disclosure of information facilitated by the blockchain technology.
Whey is BittWatt ecosystem needed?
Current energy ecosystem is working around the unstructured information about the energy supply and demand. But essential information about the energy supply and demand is not provided at an assigned time. There is huge gap between information demand and information supply about the energy.
These are some challenges that BittWatt have some suggestion to enable energy market to solve these problems.
Because there is no decentralized market, energy exchanges between traders (or producers) and suppliers take days for validation and completion. Because of the heavy agreement signed before, consumer have not opportunity to choose and switch electric supplier companies whenever they find the best offered price for them. Because of these reasons energy prices increase. To establish well organized energy ecosystem, a smart demand-a response system is needed.
The main goal of the company is to establish a safe energy platform to build a well-organized and integrated market for the parties from suppliers to end users. In this energy market blockchain tecnology will play a crucial role to enable energy trading to be simple, transparent and fast for all users.
Token Sale
The firm is expecting to sell approximately $36,000,000.00 (US) amount. One BWT is equivalent of 1 kWh. The price of one BWT in the token sale is $0.12.
Pre-ICO will start March 18th, 2018 and end March 31st, 2018
ICO Phase 1 will start April 1st, 2018 and end April, 7th, 2018
ICO Phase 2 will start April 8th, 2018 and end April 14th, 018
ICO Phase 3 will start April 15th, 2018 and end April 21st, 2018
ICO Phase 4 will start April 22nd, 2018 and end April 28th, 2018
Energy producers, traders and costumer can use the BittWatt token as crypto currency for all kinds of payments and money transfers. Additionally, BittWatt can be converted to any existing crypto currency
Bittwatt Pte. Ltd. that was established on October 13th, 2017. It is a Singapore based private company incorporates under the Companies Act. Founders of the company have very essential experience in the energy sector. BittWall is a promising company in the energy sector that can be leading company very soon. They emphasize that they have some new and innovative solutions for the energy sector. They want to make difference.
The team of the BittWatt is calling you to participate to BittWatt family to benefit from the efficient and profitable energy market.
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