Senin, 18 Februari 2019

Skelpy ICO - Certified Decentralized Blockchain

Hello Golos Community, this new post I want to introduce about a very interesting and good project that is The Skelpy, and for more details, let's just go to the following discussion:
The goal of the Skelpy project is to create a completely decentralized and transparent blockchain in which all portfolios have a certified digital identity. The transactions will be visible to everyone, but the subjects will be certified and recognized on the basis of visibility fees, explained forward. It will, therefore, be possible for the user to carry out transactions on the blockchain with a certified wallet (natural person or legal entity) or not certified. The Skelpy blockchain is based on DPOS technology (Delegate Proof Of Stake) in which there are 51 forgiving nodes that have the task of keeping the network working and functioning.
About Skelpy
The goal of the Skelpy project is to create a blockchain in which all portfolios have a certified digital identity.
Transactions will continue to be visible to everyone, but the subjects will be certified and recognized on the basis of visibility rules, explained forward. Thanks to this method it will be possible to be anonymous based on the level of visibility desired within the Skelpy blockchain.
Being an innovative and very efficient technology, since the workload will be distributed on multiple servers, the source code of the exclusive SkelpySystem platform will not be released.
Only part of the code concerning the blockchain and its useful tools will be released through GitHub. The Skelpy blockchain is based on technology DPOS (Delegate Proof Of Stake) in which there are 51 forgiving nodes that have the task of keeping the network active and at their discretion to share the daily profits with their own voters.
Profits will usually be distributed as a percentage based on the weight of their vote.
It will, therefore, be possible for the user to carry out transactions on the blockchain with a certified wallet (natural person or legal entity) or not certified. The Skelpy blockchain is based on DPOS technology (Delegate Proof Of Stake) in which there are 51 forgiving nodes that have the task of keeping the network working and functioning.
Skelpy Certificate Your Wallet 
SkelpySystem is a decentralized platform that permits to certify and recognize the wallets inside the Skelpy circle
Through this system, it will be possible to recognize the subjects involved in the transactions on the basis of the level of authority allowed by the wallets owners.
The wallets can be recognized at the discretion of the rightful owner that decides the visibility of his own wallet.
To recognize a wallet is necessary for sending a recognition request to the subject in question, except the “Public” level of visibility that does not need a recognition request.
Public visibility 
A wallet with a “Public” visibility level can be seen from all of the users registered at the SkelpySystem platform, without any need for recognition.
Private Visibility 
A wallet with a “Private” level of visibility can be seen only from the authorized users after the acceptance of the recognition request sent from the applicant to the rightful owner.
“Solo” visibility 
A wallet with a “Solo” level of visibility is different from private visibility as it can’t receive recognition requests, but only send them to a wallet with private visibility.
Each subject being part of the SkelpySystem platform must respect the laws that regulate it and certify his/her identity through the regulations of his/her home country and the KYC tool.
TEC Fund Distribution 
The currency in circulation will be of 2.000.000; 20.000.000 will be used by the partners to maintain the network; 10.000.000 will be saved as a backup fund that can be used exclusively in case of emergency and only at the achievement of the voting majority of the team; and 1.000.000 will be distributed among the team members on the basis of the developed work.
Scenario: Skelpy received 250 BTC and the calculated BTC value of alternativecurrencies received is 50 BTC at the end of the TEC.
On March 23rd John sent 5 BTC
Total BTC value received = 250 BTC + 50 BTC = 300 BTC.
John’s Percentage of TEC distribution is:
[5 BTC / 300 BTC] = 0,0166666
John’s final distribution is:
0,0166666 * 2,000,000 SKP = 33,333 SKP
If John sent different cryptocurrencies (ETH, LISK, ARK) the value will be immediately converted to the correlating BTC value for the calculation. John sent 5 BTC and 10 ETH:
Value of ETH at moment of a transaction was: 0.05731 BTC
John’s total contribution in BTC is 5.05731 BTC.
More information
Author: SanZoldyck
My ETH: 0xc57F5E28B98a12c8f4cC3f4C02d8B77546deF545

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