Minggu, 23 Juni 2019



As progressive as it sounds, Blockchain really is a system to convey everybody to the most noteworthy level of responsibility. Not any more missed exchanges, human or machine blunders, or even a trade that was not finished with the assent of the gatherings included. Above whatever else, the most basic territory where Blockchain causes is to ensure the legitimacy of an exchange by recording it on a principle enroll as well as an associated dispersed arrangement of registers, which are all associated through a safe approval component.
The blockchain is a morally sound computerized record of monetary exchanges that can be customized to record not simply money related exchanges but rather for all intents and purposes everything of esteem. Blockchain innovation resembles the web in that it has a worked in power. By putting away squares of data that are indistinguishable over its system, the blockchain can’t be controlled by any single substance and has no single purpose of disappointment. The web itself has turned out to be tough for just about 30 years. It’s a reputation that looks good for blockchain innovation as it keeps on being produced.
Blockchains are restricted to digital forms of money as well as have tremendous applications crosswise over numerous ventures. In spite of bitcoin like systems, private blockchains or permissioned systems can enable various gatherings in an industry to execute and share data without making it open to everybody. This blend of appropriated exchanges and keeping up protection between believed gatherings makes blockchain fascinating for organizations. This is the thing that the money business is investigating and in this post, we’ll investigate its applications to telecoms too.
Telecom organizations are accustomed to building private systems. Blockchain could be a decent expansion with less specialized and exceptional learning prerequisite to share data that isn’t as of now promptly accessible between administrators.”


Zoptax is a blockchain based calling Network giving its clients totally secure and private VOIP calls experience through decentralized Network.
Besides, While Blockchain has effectively entered inside the monetary division, its entrance into the interchanges field is yet to have an effect and addition presentation among the majority. Zoptax is a genuine start to finish versatile system in the regularly developing Blockchain biological system which intends to furnish clients with the capacity to associate by means of a totally decentralized and server-less design.

Approaching Challenges

The present dynamic of the media transmission field shows a large group of prospects for upgrades notwithstanding exploiting chances that current VoIP specialist organizations have not had the option to profit by. The network oversight situation is common in districts over the Middle East, North Africa and Asia where a noteworthy extent of exile populace from different nations dwells.
Such clients at last depend on computerized informing administrations to satisfy their correspondence needs and this is only one of the many market sections which Zoptax means to provide food. The weakness of present VoIP innovations which enables brought together experts to exercise authority over them is insufficient in satisfying the desires for an extending purchaser base which looks to embrace an answer that is reasonable, straightforward, and dependable.

Arrangement Offered

The Zoptax arrangement is a genuine start to finish and thorough Blockchain-based VoIP and content correspondence setup which basically disposes of the present difficulties in network as its administrations can’t be prohibited by any outside incorporated expert working in a particular purview.
By embracing a client driven methodology, the Zoptax gloats of combination with work area, web and portable applications toeliminate issues confronting supporters while giving a scope of significant worth included advantages through the Zoptax Coin.

About The Zoptax Phone Features

Zoptax Phone will be inserted with zoptax application just so you have 0% security rupture issue.
Comprehending security and focal specialists control issue on VOIP Zoptax is making the following stride of propelling its Mobile Phone which will just have zoptax installed application which makes it first of its caring 0% security hazard free telephone. Watch out for this page or buy in your email to get additional data about the Zoptax telephone.
Pursue this connect to download the Zoptax application on playstore – https://play.google.com/store/applications/details?id=com.zoptax&hl=en

Advantages of Zoptax

For speculators
Set number of zoptax coins give early financial specialists chance to get high benefit with early speculation.
For Miners
Excavators or hub holders gets benefit from both Zoptax Bone and Zoptax Coin. Excavators have fundamental job in system since calls experiences these hubs.
For everybody
Being one and just evident decentralized VOIP organize Zoptax endorsers remains associated with their friends and family with no interuption structure cenralized experts.

About The Zoptax Token

Zoptax is powered by its own unique currency known as the ‘Zoptax Coin’. This cryptocurrency enables users to make calls over the network and benefit from the value-added features provided by the platform. With cost-efficiency, easy usage, and transparency, the coin price is expected to rise with the influx of users within the network as the maximum number for mining coins is 30 million.
Token Details
Symbol – ZPT
Total Supply – 30,000,000
IEO Price Increase – 5% every 2Million
IEO start price – 1 ZPT = $0.25
Soft Cap – $500,000
Hard Cap – $3,400,000
About IEO Details
Pre Sale Details
START – 30-5-2019
END – 12-06-2019
Coin Price – $0.23-0.25
Coin Issue – INSTANT
Bonus – up to 20%
Stage cap – in progress
Public Sale Details
START – 15-06-2019
END – 30-07-2019
Coin Price – $0.25-0.31
Coin Issue – INSTANT
Bonus – up to 10%
Stage cap – Not Started
Complete IEO Details
START – 10-5-2019
END – 30-07-2019
Coin Price – $0.21-0.31
Coin Issue – INSTANT
Total Bonus – up to 20%
Total IEO Sale (ZPT) – 12,000,000
Funds Allocation



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Bounty Miner username kanekikov

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