Rabu, 17 Juli 2019

NESTREE - Advanced, Reward-based Blockchain Messenger -Get on iOS / Android🔥

Agree that many will already be difficult to remember the period of time when people communicated with each other only through paper letters. When you had a few days or even weeks to wait for a response from your loved one, as the speed of information transmission was too slow. Over time, people have developed their means of communication and they have a new opportunity to communicate on the phone, then there was the Internet. Thanks to which people were able to send e-mails to each other and respond to them almost in real time. After that, there were ordinary push-button phones and people in addition to calls were able to send SMS, which accelerated the communication process even faster. Now, in the age of Internet technology, people have access to new communication services, expressed by various social networks. Within the framework of which people can not only write e-mails to each other, but also send various files, share music, send favorite videos and much more.


All this has become so commonplace and convenient that people in a fit of passion forgot about other fundamental things. For example, such as: the security of your data and other related consequences. After all, it's no secret that many social networks openly use all our personal data for their own purposes. Of course, they sometimes hide behind the theme of "national security", but in fact it is not so.
Very often you can find such stories, when incredible database sold to some large companies and corporations that deliberately use them for their business purposes. Of course this situation can be viewed from different angles. On the one hand and what's wrong with that? After all, on the basis of all this, new concept products are created, adapted immediately to their audience. But if you look from a different angle, all what you post about yourself people can use against you. This can be easily attributed to the theft of some usernames and passwords, identifying your Bank details and much more. I think you got the idea.
Of course, society is unlikely to be able to give up such social networks at the moment, as it is really very convenient. But to make them safer, perhaps. This is what we will talk about today, or rather about the project, the concept of which favors this.

About the project

The project which will now be discussed comes from Korea and is called it – NESTREE. This project is nothing more than a new improved mobile application, the main function of which is to protect all its users from the theft of personal data. That is why for these purposes the basis was chosen, the principles of which allow to control all these processes, offering more effective models of interaction. As you may have guessed, we are talking about blockchain technology, without which no modern project can do. And this is not surprising, because the main postulates of blockchain technology is its immutability, reliability, transparency of all actions and of course security. That is why the development team without thinking about other alternatives came to the mutual opinion that it should form the basis of NESTREE.
At the current time of the founders there are already two fully-developed operating systems that adapt both under iOS and under Android. What makes them available and easy to use for a large number of users. It is important to note that NESTREE intends to offer its users much better all the active actions of social communities, as well as reward and encourage its users for additional active actions.


Thus, we can safely say that the founders made every effort to create a harmonious and mutually beneficial communication environment within NESTREE, both between ordinary users of the community and between other participants, expressed by advertisers and various managers. That's great. Because of this, everyone can become part of something bigger and help in the creation of even new products or services.
Moreover, another very nice feature or opportunity is the fact that the user can directly exchange any of their cryptocurrencies anytime and anywhere. To do this, a special one-rank exchange system was developed, with the help of which the user can send any coins to his friends and acquaintances in the list of his contacts in just a few clicks. I find it very convenient as well as multifunctional. After all, this function will once again push the world community of people to use their cryptocurrencies more often and dispose of them as they want.


If we talk about coins in more detail, then we can also note the part of the question when it comes to its own internal token, available to the entire NESTREE social community, as well as its active audience. The internal token has the basis of tokens, the ERC-20 format and is based on the Ethereum blockchain. In total, 3 billion coins will be issued for the development of the project. The distribution of which will happen with the help of IEO in the near future.
The distribution of tokens is as follows:




At the end of my little article I want to once again draw your attention to the fact that no existing centralized social network that you are currently using, does not protect your personal data. On the contrary, it uses them for its own purposes, sometimes causing damage not only to you personally, but also to millions of other users like you. Therefore, the emergence of new concepts like NESTREE is very important for us. After all, thanks to this, we have a choice when we have a chance to break the vicious circle and start living, and use your favorite social tools to which we are so accustomed.
You can get acquainted with NESTREE in more detail by clicking on the links of the official social resources of the project. The whole list you have long been waiting downstairs. That's all I've got! Thank you for your attention and see you soon!

Official resources of the project NESTREE:

Author: KanekiKov
My ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B

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