Senin, 19 Agustus 2019



When it comes to the cryptocurrency trading space, traders are usually faced with varieties of trading limitations. Prominent amongst these is getting an easy trading access to platforms that offer an exchange of a variety of altcoins. This especially does turn off risk-loving traders who love to try out different coins. They find it hard to convert these altcoins as well-known exchange platforms do prioritize listing of the more established coins over the less valued coins.

Another major turnoff is the compulsory registration required to use these exchange platforms. This doesn't only take away the transaction anonymity privileges from the trader, many platforms do require the traders to provide proof of identity before funds transfer services can be possible. Other times, more complex procedures are usually involved.

Summing all these, noobs and even established traders are easily discouraged from actively investing in a variety of coins. Especially because many exchange platforms also require a great deal of technical know-how to use the trading interface.

What is CurioInvest’s

CurioInvest’s mission is to form it attainable for everybody to invest in rare collectable vehicles. It is based in Swiss Confederation and Lichtenstein Region, CurioInvest is launching a web platform powered by blockchain technology that allows investors to buy security tokens directly backed by edition collectable cars. These tokens permit investors to share within the profit if the worth of the underlying vehicle will increase.
In this method, CurioInvest is eliminating the barriers to entry to the collectable car market. As a half stake in an exceeding vehicle may be purchased on-line for as very little as $500, the minimum investment required to enter the market is dramatically lowered, it enables the investors to diversify they into by purchasing stakes in multiple vehicles.

Problem Identified

According to the Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index, over the 10 years up to Q2 2018, collectable vehicles offered a return on investment of 289%. The asset class outperformed all other alternative investments under review over this period, including coins (182%), wine (147%), jewellery (125%), and watches (73%).
Despite the size and attractiveness of this asset class, only a small group of elite investors have had the resources necessary to overcome the barriers to entry to the market:
  1. Restricted access: Many collectable cars are not sold on the open market. Limited edition collectable vehicles are manufactured in such small numbers that limitations are placed on who can purchase them. To be eligible to purchase such a vehicle, prospective buyers usually need to demonstrate that they have owned multiple other vehicles of the same brand. Also, membership of an owner’s club or vintage fan group may be a prerequisite for purchase.
  2. High capital requirement: the most valuable and lucrative collectable cars have high initial purchase prices. Once purchased, the vehicle needs to be insured, stored and maintained, incurring additional costs before a profit can be realized. While economies of scale could play a role in reducing such costs, they are rarely leveraged in the industry at present.
  3. Expertise: Assessing the provenance and value of a car requires specialist knowledge. This is particularly important when a car is bought on the secondary market, as the vehicle needs to be inspected by an expert mechanic and all documentation needs to be verified.
The barriers discussed above preclude the majority of investors and car enthusiasts from participating in the collectable car market. Even for wealthy investors, however, the current market features high transaction costs and limited options for diversification:
  1. High transaction costs: Transaction costs are driven by two main factors – non-transparency and illiquidity. For each vehicle, prospective buyers need to conduct a costly due diligence process to verify the provenance of the car. The lack of transparency in the existing market erodes trust, meaning that documentation needs to be independently verified. Besides, collectable cars are often sold at auctions or through private sales, which makes it difficult to accurately ascertain the current market value of a vehicle. Ultimately, this leads to an opaque, illiquid market, hurting both buyer and seller.
  2. Limited diversification: A collectable car has to be purchased outright, which is in stark contrast to most other asset classes where fractional ownership is possible. Even relatively affluent investors cannot afford to own many collectable vehicles and are thus exposed to greater risk due to the low degree of diversification.
    Besides, the CurioInvest platform will greatly simplify the investment process – investors can register and purchase tokens online, while CurioInvest Invest manages the purchase, maintenance, insurance and sale of the vehicle, likewise as all connected administration and work.
The CurioInvest team has a proven track record of profitably trading investment-grade cars at Mercuria Helvetica AG and has access to a pipeline of over 500 rare, collectable vehicles. Besides, CurioInvest has partnered with Mechatronik GmbH to store and maintain the vehicles.
The CurioInvest Invest platform will bring unprecedented transparency, security and liquidity to a market that was previously only accessible to elites. Ultimately, CurioInvest aims to become the Nasdaq of collectable vehicles, hosting an exchange where automotive security tokens can be traded in near real-time.

Why Choosing CurioInvest?

CurioInvest is well-positioned for the following reasons:
  1. CurioInvest is not starting from scratch. CurioInvest’s sister company Mercuria Helvetica AG has developed lasting relationships with many top-tier automotive companies including Pagani, Ferrari and Mercedes-Benz. Thus, CurioInvest has access to a pipeline of over 500 rare, collectable vehicles, ensuring exclusive investment opportunities from day one.
  2. CurioInvest has developed a tried-and-tested operational model to manage the entire life cycle of an automotive investment. CurioInvest has established contacts with car maintenance companies, insurance companies and tax-free physical storage providers.
  3. CurioInvest has established legal entities in Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Switzerland offers a stable regulatory environment and investor-friendly laws, while the base in Lichtenstein allows CurioInvest to legally sell security tokens throughout the European Economic Area, which comprises all 28 member states of the EU and the three EEA EFTA states Norway, Iceland and Lichtenstein. Switzerland has become a global hub of blockchain innovation, ensuring that CurioInvest will have direct access to the right technical talent to scale the business.
  4. The CurioInvest team and its partners consist of experts with a proven track record in the automotive, IT, financial and investment industries.



Official Link:

Author: KanekiKov
My ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B

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