Minggu, 09 Mei 2021



This article is a review of mocktailswap, a swapping platform with full decentralization to provide solutions and completely transform trading on the blockchain with cryptocurrencies. This platform is very secure, fast and accessible and it has create the MOK token to aid all the activities of users in it. The platform however is a Binance Smart Chain project, like some others but unique in the way it operates, providing MOK tokens and the yield farm. The advantages of this platform are so much and it so contributes to the blockchain.


The services are very transparent and unique. The platform provides assets, ensures the stability and helps the users to prevent loss. The beautiful thing about the operations is the increasing yield and how the services are automated. Making all the users able to make choices that profit them.

All the entire transactions will be done with full decentralization, fill governance and all the operations will be run based on the MOK token. This is how the economy will be run to show its uniqueness from others. When it comes to trading, it is very simple, exchange is effective and automated because it is a model of the automated market maker (AMM). This also follows the Binance Smart Chain and offers the users a good way to use tokens. Earning is a sure process, you can either earn from the yield farms or from the staking process. With the MOK tokens, you can stake and get more while on the yield farm, you need no tokens, you only need to spend time to generate your MOK tokens.

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The platform is built on the Binance Smart Chain because of the speed and safety the association will confer to the users operations more so, the users would be able to maximize the features of the BSC network, providiu more features and lowering the transaction fees for easy access and interaction with other users.

The level of adoption of this platform will affect that of the blockchain with the involvement of Ethereum, Binance's ability will reflect on this and a great future will be in sight for users. The increase in adoption will be a good sign that a lot more can be done with the platform. In the blockchain, this platform will be the first ERC1156 Token of the Standard semifungible token having a standard on the Binance Smart Chain.

There is a perfect interface that makes the platform very useable for users. It helps them to interpret and use smart contracts in addition to managing all the tokens possessed by the users.


Mocktailswap protocol is standard, it holds the perfect finance strategy and great yield. Mocktail token as a part of the AMM protocol will have its place in this platform taking advantage of the Binance smart chain and the multi-strategy protocol. All users will have quite a lot of advantage with this token and will get so much returns as they operate with low fees for every of their operations.


Website: https://www.mocktail.finance/

Whitepaper: https://docs.mocktailswap.finance/

Telegram: https://t.me/MocktailSwap

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MocktailSwap

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MocktailSwap

Medium: https://medium.com/@MocktailSwap

Discord: https://discord.gg/cntAVTJbGy

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/u/MocktailSwap

Username Bitcointalk: Aysha9853

Bitcointalk Profile Links: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=52090

My ETH Address: 0xc92eC3CcB1d0B6c3e0d0a5Bb6C4BF99fDd760A91

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