Kamis, 25 Januari 2018

SnapCity ICO

Introducing to you…SNAPCITY-
SnapCity is the latest geo-location adventure and discovery app. It will soon be available on both the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store. SnapCity gives users the opportunity to discover the best that cities around the world have to offer, and be rewarded for doing so. . Users are rewarded with points for completing challenges, and these points can then be used at local businesses for discounts and / or free items.
Everybody loves exploring cities around the world. But it’s so easy to miss the best sights in cities when time is limited. That’s why SnapCity (the latest iOS and Android application coming out soon) encourages users to investigate and explore the best that cities around the world have to offer.
How It Works;
  • View the challenges in the application, these challenges are either created by SnapCity, your friends or the general public.
  • Go to the location and take a photo, taking a photo confirms that you visited the location and completing challenges gives you tokens.
  • Redeem your tokens at local businesses, as money off against their goods or services.
View Challenges
View challenges on the map view in the application. You can see your current location and nearby challenges. Click on a challenge to read more information about it, including images and who set the challenge.

Complete Challenges

Go to the location and take a picture. Taking a picture confirms that you went to the location and completing challenges gives you SnapTokens. You can then use these tokens to challenge your friends, the public or redeem them in nearby businesses.

Redeem Tokens

Nearby businesses can advertise on SnapCity by accepting SnapTokens as discount towards their goods and services, we’ve developed a simple interface for businesses to use to accept SnapTokens, since the tokens conform to the ERC20 protocol they can be stored in most Ethereum wallets.


Use your tokens to challenge your friends or the general public. You are in return rewarded for how popular your challenge was, as determined by the number of entries (for public challenges only). It is very easy to share your challenges on social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.


Our Blockchain based solution ensures that tokens are not able to be spent more than once, rewards users for verifying challenges and provides a transparent and decentralised social media game.
But there’s more:

 Users can use the tokens to challenge their friends, the user created challenges can be anything (So make them as crazy as you want!).

 With the tokens, businesses can advertise by creating public challenges bringing users to their location.

 Users can also create public challenges, visible to everyone! The first person to complete the challenge gets the tokens, and the creator of the challenge is rewarded depending on how popular the challenge was!

 The challenges are verified using a decentralised and distributed blockchain-based solution, that prevents users from using their tokens more than once, rewards users for verifying challenges and provides returns for early investors in SnapTokens.
Tourism is a massive industry, contributing $7.2 trillion USD to the global economy in 2016, and it’s only likely to grow in the future as flights become cheaper and the world becomes more accessible [1]. Snapcity hopes to build on this growing trend, by allowing users to complete challenges around the world, helping users to discover the best sights and attractions in a city faster, a fun and enjoyable application where users can interact with their friends and help promote local businesses.
It can be seen from figure 1, that the number of nights being spent abroad has been increasing for the past decade and the upward trend is very positive for SnapCity. The number of nights is increasing by about 10 nights per year (roughly 10% increase per year).
It is predicted that this trend will continue, and although it is correlated to the general health of the economy (this explains the downtrend in 2007–2009), even then the number of nights was at 100. We also predict that as flights continue to become cheaper and with the introduction of services such as AirBnb it is becoming easier for the public to visit cities around the world.
How are they created?
SnapTokens will be issued in our public token sale in January 2018. SnapTokens will be freely tradable on exchanges and will entitle the owner to advertising on SnapCity as well as creating challenges as previously mentioned. The number of tokens to be distributed is limited to 200,000,000 (two hundred million). The prices of the tokens are fixed at 25,000 SNPT per ETH. The Pre-ICO event will be held for three days before the ICO, for more information join our mailing list by emailing dan@snapcity.io.
Prototype development
The app is currently under development. It is due to be released by Q1 ’18, with the starting city in Amsterdam. Users will be able to create user created challenges anywhere in the world (given that they have enough points). We will also encourage users to share the app with their friends through Facebook and other social media to increase the adoption of SnapCity.
The ICO for SnapCity will be held on 13/01/2018. The money raised from the ICO will be used to further develop the platform, as well as on advertising. Our plan with advertising is to advertise at airports, train stations and also on public transport. We will be using our promotional video that can be found on our website to promote the app. We have launched a Bounty program which so far has been successful in spreading the word about SnapCity. SnapCity is all about completing challenges, and therefore our bounty program will be completing challenges daily, helping to raise awareness about SnapCity.
Current Partners
Here we would just like to give a special mention to the first business that is advertising on SnapCity already, Ripley’s Believe it Or Not (Amsterdam). We hope this will turn into a great business relationship, and that we will soon be able to branch out to all the Ripley’s branches across the world!
For more information, please subscribe to any of these channels;
Website. . . . https://www.snapcity.io/
Twitter . . . . . https://twitter.com/snapcityreal
BTT Username: HunterXZoldyck
My ETH address: 0x22Ac34EFe105C201C22Dabf975d609439F7FfA4c

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