Senin, 06 Mei 2019

LTO Network – Hybrid blockchain built for business


We’re celebrating the 10th year of Blockchain technology. During that time, we had a lot of experience. The market is slowly starting to fix itself. One of the biggest reasons for this is the increase in confidence in the market. The market-free elimination of fraud and security holes has made blockchain technology more powerful every day. It is possible to say that there are some difficulties because it is a very new technology. But if you think like me, you accept that block-chain technology is a weapon capable of changing our lives. The blockchain has been used today in banking, artificial intelligence, entertainment, municipalities, shopping and much more. The Fiat that we know is slowly reaching the power to do everything that money can do. The blockchain not only facilitated the use of money, but it also allowed us to use it in a very functional way. In addition, it seems to have done a lot better job in the distribution of income than the fiat money. But the blockchain should go on its way. This amazing technology that changes the way we look at money and banks, comes for more.
Problem Analysis
Nowadays, many altcoin blockchains using a limited number of hybrid infrastructure. The most common and most known is Ethereum infrastructure. About 200 altcoins are using this infrastructure. In fact, Binance, the world’s largest stock exchange, uses this infrastructure for its own coin, BNB. We should talk about Bitcoin’s infrastructure, which dominates 52% of the market, according to Coinmarketcap data before going to the Ethereum. Compared to fiat money, Bitcoin’s trading speed and commission fees are really incredible. Bitcoin operations can change blocks before 1 hour after the completion of the approval process. This means that the international fiat is much faster than monetary transactions and can be met with fewer commissions. But ten years after bitcoin’s invention, we can say that we are now using much more advanced technology. For example, the Ethereum infrastructure can perform these operations in almost minutes. Projects such as EOS, which is also a blockchain, and other projects aim to shorten these times further. But it is a fact known by everyone that these infrastructures have problems with safety, speed and integration. Because of these vulnerabilities, the Crypto money worth millions of dollars each year is becoming the target of the attacks. This kind of situation that damages the blockchain technology also continues to be a serious obstacle to the realization of the blockchain Revolution. However, new projects, or rather projects that use a solid infrastructure, do not seem likely to encounter these problems in the future.
What is the LTO network ?

LTO network is a decentralized and highly efficient blockchain infrastructure that provides maximum efficiency to its users and enables the integration of blockchain Infrastructures into existing systems ready for production. The LTO network project is a very advanced technology product with 10 years of blockchain experience. I remember the days when the project was chosen as the Most Valuable ICO of the year when the ICO was made in 2018. This year, the project has proven itself by providing services to various customers from around the world.
Business Process Modeling is a common strategy that small, medium and large enterprises use to maintain their business continuity. Creating a visual proof of a workflow process is a step by step to ensure that it is analyzed, developed and automated. Unlike procedures written in a native language or in a programming language, these models can be understood by both people and computers.
For inter-organizational collaboration, there is no modelling to enhance communication. The parties concerned must indicate the process to be used as a binding agreement; it is called a live contract on the LTO platform. The LTO platform creates a temporary blockchain for each live contract. This type of blockchain is not designed as a literal book.


Who are the actors on the LTO Network?
There are 4 different token holders in the LTO network system and they are classified.
  • Collector and Partners –These people can be recognized as individuals who approve blocks in the system and enable transactions to take place. Not only in the LTO network, but also in the approval of blocks of all blockchain Projects works according to this system. These people make an income by making the approval of the transactions.
  • Customers – if you are not one of the above-mentioned persons, you are probably a customer. When you use the system to trade, you pay a very small amount of commission. These commission fees are almost nothing compared to other projects.
Running node;
  • Active Holders – as with many other systems, you have the opportunity to generate passive income by running a node on the LTO network. It’s kind of a passive income opportunity, actually. To run any node, you just hire a server and confirm the LTO network operations via this server.
  • Inactive Holders – such holders are those who continue their existence without any action on the network, without any block endorsement in any way.
LTO Network Award pool and operating system
We mentioned above that you have a chance to earn passive income through LTO network. These stakes vary according to the token that the customers hold. There are a number of rewards available for keeping these tokens in the wallet. And token holders are rewarded within the framework of the ratios shown below.
  1. If a user has 10% of the total number of tokens on the network and contributes 10% of the total transactions, this token holder’s block validation rate will be 105%.
  2. If a user has 10% of the total token supply but does not contribute to any authentication transition based on network operations, the block validation rate will be below 5%.
The stake pool calculation of the LTO network is calculated by the following formula: a number of tokens staked/contribution to the approval of blocks. This process determines your rate of the number of tokens staked.


LTO Blockchain and ERC-20 Wallet
LTO network has 2 different coins. Since these coins are used for different purposes, they may also be used for different purposes. These two different coins can be exchanged with each other through “bridge troll”. Odds are 1:1.
There is a system called “bridge” between the pools of the main net and ERC-20 tokens, and both pools serve different purposes.:
  • The LTO network blockchain is designed for the actual use of the network: it is designed for the functionality of the platform and to pay for transactions or payment. This network is used by holders. Or used to confirm transactions on the network.
  • ERC-20 is the nature of the companies that will make a more new entry into the system, to ensure faster entry into the system was established. This token is used to adapt the company to the LTO network because its liquid speed is faster.


4 Main Dynamics of LTO Network
LTO network has shaped the project according to 4 main dynamics. These are development, growth, shaking-out and maturity.
The first of these stages, the relatively high level of Development, will be shared after token distribution. Those who buy this token early will be rewarded as a reward by bringing it to the “net zero” point mentioned in the chart.
At the stage of Growth, the passive customer ratio will increase to the extent that it is adapted to the platform. The speed of transactions will increase as you go to the “net zero” point.
“Net zero” incentives in the Shake-out will increase the founders. The entrance to the prize pool will be a bit narrower as the stakes increase.
In the process of Maturing, the market will grow as the majority of customers become partners. However, passive holders will be rewarded by the system with a much wider expansion of the stock rewards.
Although the LTO network seems very complex, it is much more understandable when viewed closely. Since it has a much more advanced structure than other blockchain technologies, there are many opportunities to be gained from it. The system is already listed in Coinmarketcap and is traded on many stock markets. Anyone who wants to invest in this wonderful project and using the Node registered in the system can provide the opportunity to earn passive income. In addition, if you already have a cryptosystem, you can negotiate with the LTO network and get the chance to improve the quality of your business.
For more information:
Author: KanekiKov
My ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B

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