Jumat, 03 Mei 2019

PrePayWay: Revolution of International Trade Payment Methods

Human life from day to day, from year to year, century to century has always experienced changes and developments from all sectors or fields of life. Be it education, social, political, economic, cultural, etc. Supporting technologies from each of these fields also continue to develop more advanced. There is one technology that is found and able to help the development of all sectors of our lives. Especially if it's not blockchain technology. Of course you - all of you who are used to subscribing to my article here already understand very well about this blockchain technology.

This time I will introduce you to a company that is on TGE (token generation event) or often called ICO. They call themselves PrePayWay. As an initial description they are engaged in international business services regarding international payment system services. We all know that being able to run an international business always experiences several problems such as a manual payment system using a lot of paper documents which are very vulnerable to transparency, a low level of security and reduced trust. The effect of all of that is finally all stakeholderswho have an interest in this business such as suppliers, buyers, until the carrier experiences problems with cash flow being hampered, payment disputes, and difficult liquidity problems to maintain properly. These problems exist and continue to run if we make payments on international trade transactions by manual method and will provide a large domino effect as well. For this reason, PrePayWay is here to provide an international payment solution that is able to solve the above problems by building a blockchain ecosystem. More details, let's discuss below. Before heading to further discussion, please see their introductory video below.

If we still use manual methods in international payments, of course, it will take a lot of time and money, and extra caution is needed because we really have to examine every word written in the document so that it does not cause a perception error and the nominal must be paid. It would be very nice if there was a solution that could cut it, including an easy, fast and inexpensive validation process, streamlining every process, speeding up payment transactions, and securing secure payments, reducing operational complexity and being more efficient.

There are 6 things specifically offered by PrePayWay in response to the above problems. The following are 6 solutions:

1. Integrated Payment Path
Secure money transfer mechanisms and payment channels integrated into digital currency and fiat currencies with reliable and licensed escrow partner support.

2. Smart Contract
Part of blockchain technology that will help in everything including minimizing fraud and the need for intermediaries and also reducing the various costs that arise when using traditional, all-manual methods.

3. Safe Storage
A guarantee of broad security and transparency with a smart contract that is self-run.

4. Smart Dispute Resolution
If a dispute or dispute occurs, PrePayWay has prepared SmartArb, an intelligent institution for international mediation and arbitration.

5. Arrangement of Agreement
The interface is easy to use and learn to arrange the desired agreement with detailed explanations and recommendations in various languages.

6. Agreement that applies
Legally binding and specific agreement agreements in a country developed by people who are experts in the field of law in accordance with national laws and regulations.

I personally analyzed that PrePayWay had prepared everything for their project. If you visit their website and blog, you will find something very convincing for you to invest in their project in my opinion. Again, in my opinion. So you need to analyze it again will they be feasible or not included in your investment portfolio. May be useful


Author: KanekiKov
My ETH: 0xACE2d47039C296a158e6EE1827300e6B098B9B0B

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