Rabu, 17 Oktober 2018

GYM Ledger - The World's First Health Band Specially Built to Support Gym Applications and Protect Your Crypto Assets

Gym Ledger - There is something special with Gym Ledger because it is capable of being the first and only fitness band capable of storing cryptocurrency safely. The interesting thing is Gym Ledger offers an initial coin to fund Gym Ledger's special fitness bracelet. How do you describe it? Later Gym Ledger will work with the Gym Reward Application to print many different tokens by monitoring the heart rate and proof of exercise. Not only that, but this bracelet also functions as a wallet hardware for multi-currency.

So, What is a GYM Ledger Device?

GYM Ledger is a health band with unique sports activities specifically built to support the GYM Rewards application, equipped with integrated wallet hardware to protect users' cryptocurrency assets.

GYM Ledger has two functions, including as a health band capable of carrying out cardio monitoring activities as well as functioning as a wallet hardware that protects your cryptocurrency. At the same time able to do stalking tokens.

The Gym Ledger mobile application is also innovative that is able to mine the GYM cryptocurrency through body activities. How to do it by exercising! This application requires users to exercise to get cryptocurrency. How it works GYM Ledger uses heart rate monitors and calorie tracking to mine GYM Rewards and various Tokens supported.

Token Details for Gym Ledger ICO
Tokens Offered: 20 million
Soft Cap (Public ICO): 4 million
Hard Cap: 20 million
Distributed Token: for now it hasn't started yet but will be done soon
Pre-Sales: October 1 - October 15
1 LGR = worth 0.0014 ETH Discount: 30% (0.70 ETH. Get your free GYM Ledger device)
Token sales: October 16 to October 31
1 LGR = worth 0.0015 ETH 25% discount (0.75 ETH Takes you a free GYM Ledger device)
Token sales: 1 November - 31 December
1 LGR = worth 0.002 ETH 0% discount (1 ETH Takes you a free GYM Ledger device)
Token Allocation Forecast
Max Cap: as much as 100M
Token for ICO: 20 M

Token Distribution

Funding Allocation

The Gym Ledger team works hard to reach the target on time. The following is the expected time achievement.
Q1 2018, Concept, Formation Concept, and Team Assemble
Q2 2018, Research, Evidence from concepts, Strategic Plans, and Completion of whitepapers
Q3 2018, Design, Platform design and technical demonstration, and ICO Press Tour
Q4 2018, Pre-Sales, Personal Financing & Improved Seed Financing, and Public Financing & Improved Seed Financing
Q1 2019, Hardware Alpha Test, Public Financing & improved seed financing
Q2 2019, Hardware Beta Test, Private closed beta, and Open beta is released to public plans and improvements
Q3 2019, additional Cryptocurrency, additional Cryptocurrency added to Hardware Wallet, and Additional Tokens added to Application mining
Q4 2019, utilizing the Community, Establishing a global user base, and the USA starting the selection of retailers
Q1 2020, completing hardware related matters, integration of third-party controllers, and market cooperative modules
Q2 2020, More Operations, Integration with Personal Chains, More Coins in Wallets, and new services offered by members or businesses

Team & Advisor


If you want to participate in ICO Gym Ledger, then the time is right because it's still very early and the opportunity is great. The way to visit the official site is https://gymledger.com/ then press the join Pre-sale or "pre-sale" button. Paying can be via ETH or EOS. By participating, then you will be one of the people who receive Gym Ledger bracelets and get many benefits and benefits of GYM tokens in the future.

For complete information, please visit the following links:

Author: SanZoldyck

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