Minggu, 07 Oktober 2018

ICOVO - The first ICO platform in the world to implement DAICO

What is ICOVO?
To achieve our mission of developing the ICO to become "the core of the ecosystem needed to incubate blockchain-related innovative startups" that will create the future, ICOVO must become the next generation global standard for truly valuable ICO platforms for both innovative blockchain-related startups and ICO investors. Website:  https://icovo.co/
At the same time, we will establish the ICOVO framework as a global standard by proposing a new decentralized hybridization management framework to central governments around the world that are currently trying to develop a healthy ICO environment through centralized methods.

What is DAICO?
Proposed by one of the founders of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin on January 6, 2018, DAICO is a model that uses decentralized methods to prevent planners from using dishonest funds through ICOs. In the ICO using tokens that are in accordance with ERC20 standards, smart contracts are used to limit the amount of funds collected that the project founder can withdraw per unit of time, and if the project is canceled for any reason, the remaining funds can be returned to the ICO Investor if consensus is reached.

What is IPFS?
First proposed by Juan Benet, IPFS is an abbreviation of the Interplanetary File System. This is being developed by the Interplanetary Network with the help of the open-source community. This is a P2P distributed file system that connects multiple computing devices in the same file system to achieve distributed file storage. In recent years it has been used to store large files directly on blockchain.

ICOVO Mission
"No ICO, No Future". The ICO is the core of the ecosystem needed to incite innovative startups and are linked to blockchain. The mechanism for this future must not be destroyed, but rather carefully preserved.
The reason for this large investment is because ICO investors are completely different from equity investors. They are dysphoric and doubtful about the current state of society, and have a sense of duty to create an abundant future. Twenty or thirty who really understand the technological potential to achieve this is very important. They hold on to Bitcoin, Ethereum and other AltCoins before the initial price surge, and reap huge capital gains. This number cannot be achieved by twenty or thirty things that conventionally work in the current structure of society.
Cryptocurrency allows for enormous amounts of wealth to be transferred, giving these investors the power to change society. As a result, the next generation of young investors with flexible thinking and deep understanding of technology has emerged. Their funds are invested in "innovative start-ups related to blockchain". Thus, the ICO is not a milling fund raising tool, but an important part in creating an ecosystem that incubates the start-up associated with blockchain that will create the future. We must not prematurely destroy the instruments that create this future by reason of lack of investor protection, or need to perpetuate the central government authority.
ICOVO will incite "startups associated with innovative blockchain" by providing the ICO "ICOVO" platform which aims to solve problems faced by ICOs.

ICOVO Vision
The ICO is the core of the ecosystem needed to hatch innovative startups related to blockchain.
ICOVO will support a healthy ICO that will make the future by offering ICOVO Web, ICOVO App, and DAICOVO. The details are explained below in three points:
  1. Propel ICO
Protect ICO investors and restore the ICO by increasing the transparency of the management of funds collected through ICO, the founder of the project, and the project itself.
  1. Reduce Obstacles to ICO Participation
Increase ICO participation and access by making the investment process and information disclosure format uniform across the board.
  1. Increase the durability of the project
By allowing the founders of the project to withdraw funds obtained only within their capital budgeting period and after a certain milestone is achieved, the motivation to release the product is maintained.

Token Information | Website:  https://icovo.co/
OVO Token 
Price of  1 OVO = 0.30 USD
Available Bonus 
Bounty  Available
Platform Ethereum
Receive  ETH
Minimum investment of  100 USD
Soft cap  5,868 ETH
Hard Cap 60.360 ETH
country  Switzerland
KYC Whitelist /  KYC & White List
For other information about ICOVO you can click on the link below:
Website:  https://icovo.co/
Author: SanZoldyck

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