Rabu, 03 Oktober 2018

REMCO-The World’s First Powerful Distributed Token-Generating Platform for Money Transfer

As the popularity of crypto-currencies rises, more people consider it and use the blockchain technology for payment, transfer, exchange. Cryptographic markets are limitless; they are used at any time and in any place. They have very great potential for growth. Introduction of crypto-currency and block-chain technology into the global world is a stable transition to a perfect future in which personal money management becomes easier, faster, cheaper and safer.
The world of crypto currency has created a completely new niche, which is developing due to block-chain technologies that will be able to change all market strategies and different approaches to business.Because of its characteristics, crypto-currency provides a huge number of new opportunities for both experienced and novice investors.
As well as other sector, the world of crypto-currencies has difficulties that slows down its
development among users without technical knowledge. One of such problems is the lack of a trustworthy and reliable platform for crypto-currency exchange with minimization of losses and with profit distribution between users.
REMCO trading platform is a complex method that allows to simplify work on exchange,
and minimize losses in case of unsuccessful trades. REMCO creates the necessary conditions for transparency, convenience and simplicity with minimal risks for traders. Fast and affordable crypto-currency deposit/withdrawals increases the likelihood of its introduction into everyday life by reducing the barriers to entering cryptology. With the  REMCO trading platform risks associated with trading are decreasing, allowing tradersto save finances in case of errors. In this document you will be acquainted with the features of the REMCO trading platform.
The REMCO Token Generating Platform API allows each licensed money transmitter to program tokens that can be programmed to move values, and take advantage of the master device at speed and scale, while offering innovative compensation to all participants in the transaction.
Remittances for remittances
Token REMCO binds Remittance senders and recipients of money, similar to how cell phones connect two people. The REMCO platform provides infrastructure, pipelines, allowing money transfer companies to print and customize their own tokens globally on a revolutionary open source platform designed to deliver speed, compliance and transparency.
REMCO’s margin tokens use a revolutionary money transfer token with an open source platform that allows global money transfer companies to repair and customize their own tokens
Why choose Remco
Solutions REMCO Token is built using Multichain and include self-service platform for B2B, which will not only allow money transmitters to enjoy the benefits of DLT using existing networks with cash, but also to expand its network, driving REMCO to re-open the process to routes with angular agents.
Money transmitters have limited and limited choice to build and expand their business on other rails.
Traditional money transfers are slow for both money translators and their clients. The new block chain approach is slower than many existing centralized systems.
Many corridors are still very expensive and the prices of small transfers are stupid. Blocked cryptocurrency system is in need of repair, inefficient and can not be scaled.
Stakeholders in the process of remittances on a cash basis more and more upset the more low-wage jobs, resulting in less participation and less consumer choice
Conventional platforms have entry barriers that are too high for partner networks; REMCO overcomes this drawback.
A technical failure can disable all partner networks on a centralized platform until the cause is discovered and corrected.
Choosing to transfer money to build your business with technology that is suitable for their use and aimed at their pain points, uses programmable tokens that can work on our global money transfer platform.
REMCO uses a non-blocking stitch where the transaction basically tests itself, providing the speed needed to increase.
REMCO is working on the technology of distributed ledgers, known as the block chain Multichain.
Our solution does not involve miners to verify transactions and receive payment. Even micropayments can be made available!
The REMCO marker is considered quantum proof, although it is an additional subject of research and study.
Reengineering the processes in the monetary agents
REMCO Prepaid solutions require less time to sell than THIS method, offer bonus commissions and provide customers with exceptional control and value. Data analysis allows you to aggregate multiple networks.
The main functions of Remco
REMCO uses a blockchain Protocol that requires no third-party POWs and almost no fees. The result is non-parallel speed and cost savings for users.
With over a decade of experience with payment receipts and banking infrastructure, our platform is operational!
No more waiting for batch processes or other slow payment processes
We simplify the transaction process for agents and even offer the possibility of bonus commissions based on the sender’s preferences
The elements of the platform will eventually become smarter thanks to AI, and the unique platform itself is the result of more than a decade of experience building and operating platforms for money transfers and payments, integrating them with banks, switch banks and other infrastructure providers, and compliance with Central banks
Sale of transfer tokens
REMCO Software Inc. ICO plans to Finance the development of a distributed production project of the ini token.Dana will help improve models of the existing map stored values for mnogolopastnyj blockchain’s decentralized network to obtain a license to VTNGlobal existing and new partner of money transfer and for advanced VTNGlobalTujuan this section to highlight important information in relation to the plan of sale of tokens of the utility and an explanation of the conditions and structures that govern the distribution of tokens and sales
Price and mechanics of token sales
The maximum value of the token is $ 0.08 per money transfer.
Remitent’s sales will consist of three main stages, as described below.
REMCO software is designed to accommodate a variety of interests with Token sales involved. The total number of tokens available in personal sales will be closed to maintain the token value.The company plans to provide additional discounts to depositors for the sale of tokens that are proportional to their transition period (see discount).The company must provide all the information on the procedures, implementation and procedures for methods of payment, AML / KYC, supported on the web site RemittanceToken.io
Author: SanZoldyck

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